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4D Technology has been the innovator in metrology for optics and precision surfaces for over 20 years.

Our patented Dynamic Interferometry introduced an entire class of vibration-immune measurement systems.

It’s no surprise that virtually every space- and ground-based telescope for the last two decades has been tested with 4D instruments.

That same technology has enabled optics manufacturers to improve yield, reduce cycle times and ensure quality in manufacturing from high-volume flats to challenging aspheres.

4D Fizeau and Twyman-Green dynamic laser interferometers measure despite vibration, enabling challenging measurements in clean rooms, in environmental chambers, over long paths, and in remote locations.

4D portable optical profilers measure surface roughness down to the super-smooth regime. Non-contact, vibration immune measurement systems can be handheld, robot mounted, or even placed directly on large test surfaces for incredible flexibility.

4D polarization-based sensors have enabled scientific discoveries in fields ranging from astronomy to biomedical to oceanography. Compact, fast and field-proven, these unique cameras enable a range of image enhancement techniques and polarimetric measurements.

4D’s 4Sight Focus wavefront analysis software is the industry leader for measurement speed and ease of use. Whether you’re controlling a 4D instrument or analyzing data from any interferometer, 4Sight Focus gives you dozens of analyses, extensive 2D and 3D displays, filtering, data masking, fiducial alignment, diffraction analysis and much more.

4Sight Focus Data Acquisition and Analysis Software

New Developments

Keeping up with our customers’ needs is a full time job.
You move fast. We move faster, because 
dynamic interferometry® is all about speed.

Dynamic on-axis Fizeau

Low error, high speed

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  • Stop-action dynamic measurements

  • On-axis image eliminates retrace error

  • Compatible with beam expanders

Service contracts

Keeping your instrument in shape

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With options like:

  • Call center support
  • Remote diagnostic services
  • On-site response

Bigger better beam expanders

Convenient and versatile, with precision

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  • No fold mirrors for best precision

  • Kinematic interferometer mount saves realignment

  • Lightweight carbon fiber structure helps reduce thermal expansion error

Get In Touch

(520) 294-5600


3280 E Hemisphere Loop, Ste 146
Tucson, AZ 85706


Office Hours (Arizona Time)

Mon: 8am – 5pm
Tue: 8am – 5pm
Wed: 8am – 5pm
Thur: 8am – 5pm
Fri: 8am – 5pm
Sat: Closed
Sun: Closed

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