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Taking measurements when you’re not near the 4D InSpec

The remote-work solution?

Many of our 4D InSpec customers are making large numbers of repetitive measurements every day, using robots or other automated platforms.

By using a remote access API like Windows Communication Foundation (WCF), the 4D InSpec is capable of remote operation and reporting. 


Here’s a 97-second video demonstration

What you can see and do

Because of the need to see into the data, review reported parameters, and to trigger measurements on demand from a remote location, we created a demonstration package that you can build upon and customize to your automation environment and reporting requirements.

In the video above, applications engineer Jared Wheeler runs the demo client package. He shows the proof-of-concept capabilities:

  •  Take a measurement
  • View the data as a plot
  • View the gauge’s live video window
  • Select and exclude parameters for reporting
  • Select TCP or HTTP protocols

It’s true remote control of the data acquisition, analysis and reporting functions of the gauge. Use your own existing remote automation package alongside this, and you gain remote control of both the instrument’s position and the information it is gathering about your 3D surface features.

Get In touch & We will Contact You Shortly

Looking for help with a particular measurement? Tell us about it. Our Applications Engineers are happy to help.

Get In Touch

(520) 294-5600


3280 E Hemisphere Loop, Ste 146
Tucson, AZ 85706


Office Hours (Arizona Time)

Mon: 8am – 5pm
Tue: 8am – 5pm
Wed: 8am – 5pm
Thur: 8am – 5pm
Fri: 8am – 5pm
Sat: Closed
Sun: Closed

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