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What’s 4D InSpec’s ROI?

What’s 4D InSpec’s ROI?

Making Metrology Pay for Itself In what ways does using 4D InSpec affect operating costs of maintenance and overhaul shops? What effect would it have on manufacturing? Will you ever see your investment returned?  This white paper takes feedback from our customers to...
Compare a 3D Measurement to CAD model

Compare a 3D Measurement to CAD model

Can you Compare a 3D Measurement to a CAD Model? This 4D InSpec application note from Jared Wheeler is a great demonstration of measurement of a part to its designed shape. It shows a simple example of exporting a 3D measurement from 4D InSpec as .XYZ, then importing...
Measuring Replicas

Measuring Replicas

Measuring Replicas Even though 4D InSpec is a handheld instrument, built with a small-sized business end to permit access to tight spaces, there are locations that remain out of reach. These are narrow holes, and deep recesses. For inspection of those surfaces, a...