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4D InSpec Finalist in NCMS’s Technology Challenge

4D InSpec Finalist in NCMS’s Technology Challenge The 4D InSpec Surface Gauge was named one of seven finalists in the National Center for Manufacturing Sciences’ CTMA (Commercial Technologies for Maintenance Activities) Awards 2017. The NCMS and the Office...
Webinar: “Shop Floor 3D Metrology”

Webinar: “Shop Floor 3D Metrology”

Webinar: “Shop Floor 3D Metrology” This webinar, held on January 19, 2017 and presented by Dr. Erik Novak of 4D Technology, discussed the challenges of measuring surface defects and fine features in shop floor environments. The 4D InSpec Surface Gauge was...
New Options Improve 4D InSpec Portability, Ease of Use

New Options Improve 4D InSpec Portability, Ease of Use

New Options Improve Portability, Ease of Use A series of new options are now available for the 4D InSpec Surface Gauge to increase usability. The mobile cart lets you bring high resolution measurement where you need it, anywhere in the shop. The 500W power supply give...

4D InSpec Featured in Manufacturing Today

4D InSpec Featured in Manufacturing Today Manufacturing Today’s article, “High-Res Metrology: 4D Technology’s Surface Gauge Improves Quality and Profits” in their January/February edition. Read the full article here. Get In Touch (520) 294-5600...

Video: Using the 4D InSpec Feature Analysis

Video: Using the 4D InSpec Feature Analysis This video shows how to use the Feature Analysis with the 4D InSpec Surface Gauge. The Feature Analysis provides instant measurement of all defects or features in the field of view, including depth, width, volume and...